Tashwir in the View of Hadith and the Opinions of Scholars
Tashwir, Hadist, Opinions of ScholarsAbstract
The development of drawing, sculpture, and photography has led them to become subjects in various universities worldwide, with some individuals choosing them as profitable professions. The purpose of this research is to understand "tashwir" from the perspective of Hadith and the opinions of scholars. The research method employed is literature review, involving the study of existing literature. The research findings indicate that the Islamic law regarding the art of painting living beings deems it "haram" (forbidden) if the artwork resembles the creation of Allah without the ability to breathe life into the image. This is due to the potential for polytheism and arrogance. However, some scholars make exceptions, considering the context of the time and the purpose of the art. If the intention is good and beneficial, it is considered "mubah" (permissible). Conversely, if the intention is malicious and harmful, it is deemed "haram." There is consensus on the prohibition of three-dimensional images, such as sculptures and idols used for worship. On the other hand, images that are incomplete, lacking the full representation of body parts, whether two-dimensional or three-dimensional, are generally considered permissible. There are also disputed issues, such as images of living beings, humans, and animals distorted in flat surfaces. Each opinion is supported by evidence that can be studied. Regarding photography, scholars have differing opinions: some strictly forbid it except in emergencies, while others permit it under the condition that nothing prohibited is present in the images
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